Indie Game: The Movie / Understanding that videogames are art...

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Today we have ‘invested’ our time watching a documentary about creating videogames: ‘Indie Game: The Movie‘. We totally recommend you this movie: it’s a must! If you’re interested in what’s behind an indie videogame, how their creators live, how they concentrate all their efforts on making their dream true, how they sacrifice their social life, their health and their entire life…
Videogames are art… and some day they will be studied in universities all over the world. It’s a matter of time. We can study and analyze the narrative, aesthetics, interactivity,… Videogames are the ideal support for the ultimate art: it’s like having a place where you can express yourself with a painting, a poem, a novel, a movie… and where you can create things with infinite possibilities - things that can interact with other human beings.
‘Indie Game: The Movie’ features the stories behind the following games:
by Phil Fish (designer) & Renaud Bédard (programmer)
by Edmund Mcmillen (designer) & Tommy Refenes (programmer)
by Jonathan Blow (designer & programmer)