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La Pegatina & Ubicuo Studio join forces to create a videogame which means a revolution in the way we listen to music. ‘La Pegatina, The Game’ is a videogame for iPhone and Android which lets the user to follow the adventures of their favorite music band on their smartphones.
The user will be able to choose amongst all the band members and other legendary characters related with La Pegatina.
Users must accomplish missions to level up!
Users can share their results and screenshots on social networks
There are 4 scenarios, one for every album La Pegatina has launched
Spend the Eurekas! earnt at the items shop and play better!
Listen to the band songs while playing!
The Videogame (free) has been thought as a big gift to La Pegatina followers. In thanks for 10 years of support. Thanks to his followers, La Pegatina is one of the spanish bands with biggest international projection in 2013.